Have your say on Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan

Auckland Council have opened their Long-term Plan for public consultation. This is our opportunity to let the Council know what they need to do to ensure their decisions are in the best interests of E tū members and our communities.

We have identified some worrying things Auckland Council is planning this time, including introducing congestion charging and asset sales. We have prepared the simple form below for you to make a submission, focusing on the areas of concern we have identified.

To view the full Long-Term Plan proposal, click here. If you’d like to make a full submission using Auckland Council’s own feedback form, click here.

E tū’s view

  • There is a proposal to impose ‘time of use’ charges, also known as congestion charges. This would mean motorists paying a fee to use certain roads (such as parts of the motorways) during certain times. We oppose this, because it would be a regressive charge that would disadvantage thousands of E tū members who are just trying to get to and from work.
  • There is a proposal to move Auckland Council’s remaining shares in the Auckland International Airport into a specific fund where the shares could be sold from. E tū campaigned to stop the complete sale of Auckland’s stake in the airport last year, and we still oppose the sale of this strategic asset. It’s a short-sighted “sugar hit” and it’s important that the public retains a stake in such a key piece of infrastructure.
  • There are different proposals for divesting from Auckland Council’s 100% ownership of Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL). Aucklanders currently own the port, which means keeping the profit and being able to make sure the company is operating in the best interests of Aucklanders. Privatisation would be a disaster – not only would we lose out on a reliable revenue stream, we’d also no longer get to decide ourselves, through our Council, what happens with our port.

Auckland Council Long-term Plan submission form

I oppose the introduction of "time-of-use charging" (congestion charges)
I support Auckland Council retaining its current stake in Auckland International Airport
I oppose any privatisation of Ports of Auckland Limited, including the operations and the land
I support Auckland Council becoming an accredited Living Wage Council