Article Category: December 2017

Celebrating a year of change

Welcome to our final magazine for 2017. It’s been an eventful year and we have reason to celebrate.

Being an E tū member is about standing up together to make a difference and achieve a fairer deal at work and across our society, for working people and their families. We have certainly worked hard to achieve that this year with our historic equal pay settlement, significant gains for the Living Wage, our trend-setting wage settlements, and the formation of a Labour-led coalition Government.

Our E tū membership meetings held across New Zealand in August, our workplace meetings and our one-on-one phone contact with members overwhelmingly endorsed our General Election campaign to elect a new Government with better policies for our members.

We can be proud that, despite her busy legislative schedule, one of the first acts of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been to visit our E tū National Executive meeting.

We must now ensure this Government remains committed to addressing our most important issues: a fairer deal at work, better minimum wages and support for the Living Wage, improved health and safety participation systems, supporting skills training for recognised qualifications, and laying the groundwork for the massive changes ahead in the future of work. We will encourage the new Government to transform the lives of workers, their families and our communities.

I believe all E tū members can be rightly proud of our National Executive for endorsing our formal ongoing support for White Ribbon Day on 25 November.

On White Ribbon Day people wear a white ribbon to show that they oppose violence towards women. White Ribbon Day celebrates the many men willing to show leadership and commit to promoting safe, healthy relationships within families, and encouraging men to challenge each other on abusive attitudes and behaviour.

Once again, we have been a key sponsor of the ‘Got a Trade, Got it Made’ apprenticeship promotion campaign and we will continue to advocate for better trades training policies under our new Government.

It was the second anniversary of the launch of E tū in October and we can look back on our first two years with a degree of confidence in the vision we set out to achieve. We have successfully integrated the second biggest union in the country, membership is growing as are our delegate numbers, our last financial year produced a balanced budget, and our influence is growing as we lead the way in our campaigns.

Across our benchmark industry agreements and many hundreds of enterprise collective agreements we have achieved wage settlements which exceed the average increases of all other Kiwi working people (but see page 11 for the outrageous increases top CEOs are paying themselves).

However, we cannot be complacent. We face ongoing challenges to our employment and income security as the form and content of work transforms at a growing pace. We must ensure that we are a union that meets the needs of the worker of the future, with the strength and resources to be relevant and respected and to get results.

Thank you for being a supportive E tū member. On behalf of our elected National Executive I wish you and your families all the best for the festive season.


National President Nominations

Elections for the E tū National President positions will be held at the union’s Biennial Conference in July next year. E tū has two National Presidents in acknowledgement of our union’s commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Nominations are called for both these positions:

National President

National President (Maori)

Any person who has been a financial member of E tū for 12 months is eligible to put in a nomination for a National President position, which must be signed by a mover and seconder, both of whom must be financial members.

Please send all nominations to the Returning Officer, Christopher Gordon at by 4pm on Friday, 30 March 2018.

Coming up in 2018

E tū has active networks of Maori, Pacific, women, and youth members.

These networks will all be holding hui, fono, conferences and other events ahead of the E tū Biennial Conference in July 2018.

Each will also elect a convenor, who will sit on the E tū National Executive.

If you are an E tū member and would like to be active in any of these networks, please e-mail Assistant National Secretary, John Ryall at and he’ll let you know the opportunities for involvement.

E tū Biennial Conference Remits

Under the E tū Rules every financial member is entitled to put forward any policy they want considered at E tū’s Biennial Conference.

Proposed policies need to be presented in the form of a written remit which sets out what you want the union to support and what you want the union to do.

All policy remits must be sent to the National Secretary, Bill Newson at by 4pm, Friday 30 March 2018.

He Panui

Te Runanga o E tū Biennial Hui a tau 2018

(as required by Rule 22.5 of the Constitution of E tū)

Date: Friday 13, Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 April 2018

Venue: Kirikiriroa Marae, 951 Wairere Drive, Hamilton East. Hamilton (located 11.5km from Hamilton Airport)


  • To share and discuss matters of relevance to tangata whenua members of E tū
  • To elect 3 members from each of the union regions as Te Runanga and also to elect the National Convenor of Te Runanga

If you are interested in building a vibrant, relevant and influential representation for  tangata whenua workers, their families and communities and if you are an activist on your worksite and in our union campaigns this hui is for you.

Te Runanga is hopeful to have at least 8 activist members from each region, Southern, Central and Northern, attend.

For further information please contact Te Runanga through E tū Union Support on 0800 186 466 no later than Wednesday 31 January 2018.

Space is limited to 27 members so be in early for consideration.