E tū Casual Membership Lapsed

Kia ora,

Your casual E tū membership status has been updated to lapsed as it appears that we have not received a Union fee payment for over 90 days.

If you believe that this is an error, please get in touch on 0800 186 466 or by email to membership@etu.nz.

If you have commenced employment in an industry covered by E tū, or you plan to do so in the future, we would be delighted to have you back as a member.

To re-join E tū and pay union fees directly from your wages, please click here to complete our payroll deduction membership form.

To re-join and pay union fees by direct debit, please click here and select direct debit on the payment method screen.

E tū has put together an online tool to connect workers looking for jobs with employers in growing industries. . If you are searching for new employment, you may wish to upload your details to E tū Job Match at jobmatch.etu.nz  

E tū Job Match is a worker-controlled network for both job seekers and employers and is run by E tū – a union of more than 50,000 workers standing strong across Aotearoa New Zealand for jobs we can count on. Union members will be given priority in job placements.

Many E tū industries, including aviation, hospitality, and tourism, are experiencing a massive downturn, while other industries such as security, food production, home care, and disability and aged support will be needing a lot more workers as we face this crisis together.

Alternatively, if you no longer require the services of E tū, we thank you for your time as a member.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by free phone 0800 186 466 or by email to membership@etu.nz

Visit www.etu.nz for more information.

Yours sincerely,

E tū Membership team