The below courses have been approved by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment for EREL purposes and further information can be found at
Youth Leadership and Network Development – 2 days course
Course ID: 707
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This course aims to build productive employment relations through encouraging the development of an understanding of the employment environment and relationships through the strong, inspiring and confident voice of youth in work. This course can be held over two consecutive days or as two separate one day events.
By the end of this two day course, participants will: deepen their knowledge and understanding of rights and obligations, behaviours and processes that enhance good faith relationships of both employee and employer in the workplace. deepen knowledge and understanding of combatting the barriers preventing youth from participating in productive employment relations with mutual trust and confidence. Develop plans and strategies to help youth have a voice in their workplaces, across their industries and society. be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to engage in the democratic structures of their union (including bargaining), and across society.
Ngā Puna Whai Oranga -Workers leading Health and Safety – 2 days course
Course ID: 731
Expiry date: 22 December 2024
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: No
The aim of this course is to provide union members with skills, knowledge and competencies relevant in health and safety, recognising and reducing barriers in worker participation.
By the end of this two-day course, participants will: Understand the harm to workers caused by work in Aotearoa, and their own workplace specifically. Be motivated to promote improvements and that workers, unions, and managers prioritise harm prevention through collaboration and consultation. Have proposed an agreement to company managers for increased worker leadership and participation with support from their union that will create greater opportunities to participate in the management of health and safety. Have developed skills and gained knowledge to improve health and safety in their workplace. Have taken steps for improvements and set goals for future improvement.
Applied Skills for Campaigning – 1 day course
Course ID: 729
Expiry date: 12 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This one-day course aims to build on the theoretical campaigning skills learnt in Leading in Campaigns and Planning for Campaigns courses, with participants learning the real-life skills required to campaign.
Participants will learn widely used campaigning skills (such as telling their personal story, public speaking, lobbying, one on one conversations etc.) so that they can apply these to their campaign.
At the end of the course, participants will: understand the various campaigning skills and when they would be applied have the confidence to use various campaign skills. Be able to explain the link between campaigning outcomes and the objectives of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Planning for Campaigns – 1 day course
Course ID: 728
Expiry date: 12 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This one-day course aims to build on the theoretical campaigning skills learnt in Leading in Campaigns by applying this knowledge to writing and planning a real-life union campaign. Participants will apply widely used campaign planning tools (such as supportive, neutral and opposed; and critical pathway analysis) to come up with a plan for their industry/sector/site.
By the end of this course, participants will: understand the different components of a campaign strategy. Have the skills to write a campaign plan. Be able to apply these skills and write a campaign plan for their industry/sector/site. Be able to explain the link between campaigning outcomes and the objectives of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Workers Leading – 1 day course
Course ID: 722
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
Course content to be updated soon.
Leaders in Transition Industries – 1 day course
Course ID: 721
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This is a one-day workshop for delegates from industries undertaking a change process. The aim of the workshop is to develop delegates in their leadership role.
By the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be capable of: defining their role as union leader developing leadership skills, and identifying leadership opportunities and supporting members in participatory processes within their workplace undertaking a leadership task in their workplace increasing their confidence by reflection on their practice as a delegate and valuing the newly acquired knowledge and skills understanding the values which underpin union work understanding just transition strategies that can be used to reduce disparities in the workplace for disadvantaged groups.
Democracy and Industry Economics – 1 day course
Course ID: 712
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This course aims to develop an understanding of our industrial history over the last century to inspire and enable future participation in strategies required to reduce disparities in the workplace and economy for groups who are disadvantaged in the labour market. This course is a one-day event which could also be taught as two half days.
By the end of this one-day course, participants will be able to: Identify key historical events and lessons from E tū’s industrial relation/union history and how these have impacted on the lives of working people today. Develop techniques to support organising opportunities within our workplace. Develop a better understanding of the political system in New Zealand. Identify a variety of behaviours i.e. passive/assertive/aggressive. Recognise their contribution to the economy on a micro level and will be able to undertake bargaining with a better understanding of how money operates for them, their employer, and the community. Undertake an organising task in their workplace.
Standing Up at Work – 2 days course
Course ID: 711
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This course aims to introduce new delegates to the democratic structure of their union to increase understanding of the role, rights and responsibilities of union delegates as a workplace leader. This course is an initial two-day event which could also be taught as two single or four half-days. At the conclusion of this two-day course participants will be able to: Explain the democratic structure of their union and identify opportunities where they (and the members they represent) can participate and influence the policies and direction of E tū Union. Start to involve and empower the E tū members they represent to take ownership of and participate in their union activities and campaigns. Understand their roles, rights and responsibilities as an E tū Delegate and confidently increase their participation in a range of activities. Participate within, promote and be responsive to the rights and obligations of their Collective Employment Agreement, Employment Relations Act, other relevant employment laws and the worker engagement, participation and representation requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Use new tools and apply new skills which support the Delegates’ understanding of, participation in and undertaking of relevant representational problem solving and research tasks within their workplaces. Start to involve and empower the E tū members they represent to take ownership of their Collective Employment Agreement and participate in the roles, rights and responsibilities within the Collective Employment Agreement, Employment Relations Act, Health and Safety at Work Act, other relevant employment laws and union activities.
Problem Solving Culture – 1 day course
Course ID: 710
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This course aims to increase the understanding of the parties’ rights and obligations regarding problem solving and disciplinary action in the workplace. This course is a one-day event which could also be taught as two half days.
At the conclusion of this one-day course, participants will be able to: Understand some of the concepts and options for dealing with employment relationship problems including a `just culture’ approach to dealing with workplace health and safety. Understand what a disciplinary process looks like and the role of a worker representative in that process. Understand and explain what rights and obligations exist for all parties within the disciplinary process, including before, during and after a formal disciplinary meeting understand and explain parties’ rights and obligations in accordance with the Collective Employment Agreement (if applicable) and Employment Relations Act. Understand and be ready to participate (with support) in the disciplinary process.
Getting Organised Course – 2 days course
Course ID: 422
Expiry date: 25 March 2026
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
Course content to be updated soon.
Industry Leadership Development – 2 days course
Course ID: 706
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
Course content to be updated soon.
Inspiring E tū Women – 1 day course
Course ID: 705
Expiry date: 6 March 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This course aims to build productive employment relations through the promotion of mutual trust and confidence in all aspects of the employment environment and of the employment relationships through the strong, inspiring and confident voice of women in work. By the end of the one-day course, participants will: Deepen their knowledge and understanding of the barriers and forms of discrimination preventing women from participating in productive employment relations develop plans and strategies to aid women in overcoming these barriers in their workplaces, across industries and society and to improve outcomes in the following areas: Parental leave, Equal pay, Combatting violence, Achieving a living wage, explore the power of the story as a tool to build confidence, connection and influence within their workplace, industries and society. be equipped with knowledge to engage in the democratic structures of their union.
Delegate Leadership Development Workshop – 1 day course
Course ID: 603
Expiry date: 25 March 2026
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
Course content to be updated soon.
Recognising and Promoting an Active Role for Māori – 3 days course
Course ID: 553
Expiry date: 13 December 2025
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
This workshop aims to: build on participants’ foundation knowledge of the democratic structure and function of their union, including the role of Runanga (tribal gathering), and it’s place within a broader union context enhance participants’ awareness of the role they play in building effective union participation in their workplace and the wider industry I particularly how this improves productivity give a greater understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in working life explore how closer links with Māori can be built via whanau, hapu and iwi.
Enterprise and Industry Economics – 1 day course
Course ID: 511
Expiry date: 6 March 2026
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
The course will provide opportunities for participants to: Focus on the main economic issues of particular industries discuss the role that various government bodies have in supporting economic development provide an overview of the Employment Relations Act, in relation to the requirements around good faith and the promotion of collective bargaining. By the end of the course, participants will be able to: Recognise the main economic drivers and issues of their particular industry or sector. Demonstrate an appreciation of the role that various government bodies, both national and local, have in supporting economic development discuss with other members an understanding of the main economic drivers and issues of their particular industry or sector describe the relationship between positive employment relations and a joint union-employer strategy for industry development apply the analysis of an industry strategy to their own industry or sector, which will involve sharing goals between both unions and employers.
Organising Around Health and Safety – 1 day course
Course ID: 476
Expiry date: 25 March 2026
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
The aim of this course is to provide union members with skills, knowledge and competencies relevant to health and safety in the workplace. Note: There are two versions of this course with the same broad goals and course ID – 476. The goals are the same, but the content is different. The basic course ‘Organising around Health and Safety’ is for delegates and Health and Safety reps who are new to the role or to work health and safety. The advanced course ‘Organising around Health and Safety (Advanced) is for experienced delegates and Health and Safety reps who want to build on their basic skills and competencies. By the end of either one-day course, participants will have: the skills, knowledge and tools to undertake effective organising in their workplaces around health and safety, and develop strategies to enhance the Union’s contribution to more effective management of health and safety in the workplace.
Getting Upskilled – 2 days course
Course ID: 475
Expiry date: 25 March 2026
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
A two-day workshop aimed at relatively new delegates of the union, who have ideally completed E tū Standing up at Work and Problem-Solving Culture and been in their role for at least three months. This two-day workshop aims to: Teach more about the key communication skills required for the delegate’s role. Provide delegates with the skills and knowledge to be more effective problem solvers. Improve delegates’ recruitment skills and techniques. Help delegates understand more about the role played by E tū at the workplace, industry and community levels.
Getting Prepared for Bargaining – 2 days course
Course ID: 474
Expiry date: 25 March 2026
Approved for CTU and Affiliated: Yes
Course content to be updated soon.