Geneva: Work allocation and guaranteed hours

Remember, your guaranteed hours are guaranteed regardless of how the clients/hours are assigned to you. So if your client opts for another support worker, Geneva MUST replace your hours or pay you anyway. They must follow the correct consultation processes for changing your guaranteed hours. Remember to learn the rules and enforce them.

Your delegates have asked the following questions of Geneva, and received these responses:

Q. How new clients will be allocated to support workers?
A. There will be no change to the way in which new clients are allocated to support workers – Geneva’s on-boarding process remains the same.

Q. What happens when support workers have said they no longer wish to see a particular client – will their information still show up for that client or not?
A. Within My Homecare, the support workers will no longer appear in searches for that client.

Q. How will this impact on their existing rosters and travel time?
A. There will be no impact on support workers’ existing rosters in terms of travel time and logistics, as the same processes for managing these concerns remain in place.

Q. The process for matching clients with support workers, and ensuring appropriate training, and that highly qualified support do not lose the opportunity for hours?
A. The My Homecare process for matching clients and support workers is unchanged from our current process

Q. How will health and safety be managed on the portal – ensuring a minimum number of support workers visits a particular client (enabling sick leave and annual leave cover) and situations where two or more support workers are required?
A. All Health & Safety is managed in the same way, ensuring that support workers’ and clients’ needs and obligations are fulfilled. New clients are still overseen by a dedicated team and Geneva’s existing policies implemented and followed in accordance with current legislation.

Q. How guaranteed hours may be impacted by this system?
A. Guaranteed Hours is not impacted by the introduction of My Homecare, other than it may assist Geneva in fulfilling any GH requirement for support workers