E tū Membership lapsed

Kia ora,

Our records show that you have left your employment associated with your E tū membership so your membership status has been updated to lapsed status. If this is an error please get in touch on 0800 186 466 or by email to membership@etu.nz

If you have commenced employment in an industry covered by E tū, or you plan to do so in the future, we would be delighted to have you back as a member.

To re-join E tū and pay union fees directly from your wages, please click here to complete our payroll deduction membership form.

To re-join and pay union fees by direct debit, please click here and select direct debit on the payment method screen.

Looking for work?

Did you know that Job Match can help you find new employment?

Whether you’re a current member or a past member of E tū, Job Match can help connect you with a new employer.

If you need help updating your CV, writing a cover letter or some career guidance give me a call or email me, I’m here to help (it’s no cost to you being a past member of E tū).

Financial help: MSD (Work and Income) have a financial help service for people who are in-between jobs that you may be eligible for. This is financial assistance to help you get through the unpaid period i.e. assistance with rent, petrol, food etc. You can check your eligibility here: check.msd.govt.nz or let us know if you prefer a call back from an MSD representative to assess your eligibility by replying to this email with your contact details so we can refer you.

For more information, visit https://jobmatch.etu.nz/

Solidarity Membership option from just $2.00 per week

Just retired? Job hunting and need support from your union? Want to top up your fees to support our campaigns?

Become a Solidarity Member – our newest membership category – which means you can still be part of the union, connected with our activities, and supported through our new digital tools.

To become a Solidarity member, please click here. Please note that the ‘Solidarity only’ membership option is only suitable for non-working members who do not require workplace representation or access to a CEA.

If you no longer require the services of E tū, we thank you for your time as a member.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by free phone 0800 186 466 or by email to membership@etu.nz

Visit www.etu.nz for more information.

Yours sincerely,

E tū Membership team