E tū Delegates Portal

As an elected E tū delegate, you will have additional access to E tū resources via the Delegates Portal.

You can access this directly when logged into your My E tū account, or visit https://delegate.etu.nz/

For a PDF of these instructions, please click here.


– Site details. Update E tū of any changes at your worksite, such as address changes, management changes, etc.

This ensures that E tū can communicate with your employer to release members for EREL (Employment relations educational leave) training days.

– Workplace committee. Lists Health and Safety reps at your workplace.

– Site Density. View the number of members at your worksite, and which forum the worksite is attached to.

– Delegate training. Shows which E tū events you have attended.

– Delegates. Lists the other delegates at your workplace

– Contact Us. Displays E tū ‘s contact information and the email address of your site organiser.


– Delegate tools. See useful delegate training guides, workplace posters, legislation information and more.

– Health and Safety information.

– Industry specific information.

– E tū Campaign information.

– Our Union. Our democratic networks and committees.


View a list of current active members at your worksite.

Click on a member’s name to update contact details.

You can also assist a new member in joining E tū by clicking Add Member.


View and download your collective agreement, see bargaining documents and tools.


As an E tū Delegate, you are entitled to the following free clothing allowance:

To order, login at: http://bookers2.bookerspalding.co.nz/etu/

Note: If you have only been elected a delegate within the previous 28 days, we may need to get in touch with our clothing supplier to have you set up with a clothing allowance.

If Booker Spalding are unable to find you in their system, please phone E tū on 0800 186 466 and we will be happy to assist.


Check here for more information on data privacy awareness. This includes:

– Privacy rights and obligations

– Members’ personal data collection

– Access to members’ information

– What is a data or privacy breach?

– What do you do if your privacy is breached?

– Privacy officer information

– Training

– Ask a question

– Privacy resources