E tū represents around 10,000 members working in Public and Commercial Services (PACS).
These include services such as:
- Public hospitals
- Cleaning
- Security
- Catering
- Laundries
- Clerical
- Schools
- Universities
- Hospitality
- Tourism
- Parliamentary services and ministerial services
- Union staff
- Musicians
Sector snapshot
PACs members are as diverse as the many industries they work in, and around two thirds are women.
Around half of our members working in public hospitals (the biggest group in PACS) are contracted out.
The same contractors are active in tertiary institutions, schools, commercial cleaning, and laundries.
E tū is strongly opposed to the contracting model which encourages a ‘race to the bottom’ as contractors use low wages and poor conditions to get a competitive advantage.
Our campaigns
PACS Industry Council
E tū has six Industry Councils, including PACs, each of which serves a two-year term.
The councils are made up of E tū delegates who are appointed by the E tū National Executive following expressions of interest from delegates nationwide.
The council’s members represent their given industry on their specific Industry Council.
Each Industry Council also elects a convenor, who sits on the National Executive.
Two representatives from the Industry Council (including the convenor) attend the E tū Biennial Conference – the highest decision-making body in the union.

PACS Industry Council, 2021