Te Runanga is the union committee that represents Maori members and ensures the voice of tangata whenua is strong in everything we do as a union.
A central focus of Te Runanga is to build a vision around E tū’s strategic goals. That means increasing union density by recruiting tangata whenua, building and strengthening relationships with Maori organisations and networks, and contributing to E tū’s work across all employment issues in a uniquely tangata whenua context.
E tū President and Te Runanga member Muriel Tunoho says that strong representation of Maori in our union is a vital part of what makes E tū a success.
“E tū – it’s in the name. We are proudly an organisation that that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi by acknowledging tangata whenua and tauiwi [non-Maori] as equal partners in our struggle for a better Aotearoa for all working people, their whanau, and communities.
“Te Runanga is available to visit your worksite, marae, or community to share with you our vision and plan for a better future for our mokopuna. Mauri ora kia koutou ngā mema o E tū.”