Download E tū Union Toolbox today
To celebrate E tū’s fourth anniversary, our new union app, E tū Union Toolbox, has hit the digital shelves! Download the app today. You can:
- see all the latest E tū news
- update your personal details
- change your communication preferences
- view your collective agreement
- sign-in to union events easily with our digital membership card
- contact Union Support
- manage your union subscription settings.
Plus, we’ll be constantly working on new features to make the E tū Union Toolbox as useful as possible!
Click here to download the app on Google Play (Android)
Click here to download the app on the App Store (iPhone)
Logging into the E tū Union Toolbox
If you have logged into My E tū before, simply use the same username and password. Your username will be your E tū membership number unless you have changed it.
If you haven’t logged in before, follow these steps:
- On the app log in screen, click ‘forgot password’
- Enter the email address you have given to E tū – you will have to enter it twice to confirm it
- Press ‘submit’
- An email will be sent to you to set your password (this can take up to ten minutes, and will be active for 60 minutes)
- Update your password and log in!
Note: If you don’t receive the password reset email, we may not have your correct email address in the system. Please contact Union Support on 0800 1 UNION (0800 186 466) or email to resolve this.