A new beginning: Fair Pay Agreements for security and cleaners are on the way!
We’ve reached a huge milestone! E tū has had Fair Pay Agreements approved for both security guards and cleaners. These are some of the first Fair Pay Agreements approved in Aotearoa New Zealand, the result of six years of campaigning by E tū members. Some of our members in hospitality will also be covered by the Fair Pay Agreement for hospitality workers, and E tū will also be involved in those negotiations.
The exciting next step is forming the teams that will negotiate on behalf of all cleaners and security guards across the country, to win better pay and conditions which will cover everyone working in those industries. We’re also communicating with every cleaner and security guard in the country to talk to them about the process, and of course, to invite them to join E tū.
Cleaners and security guards have a lot to gain out of Fair Pay Agreements. Better wages, proper health and safety, secure days and hours of work, and decent access to training and upskilling are some of the key goals we’ll be taking to negotiations.
E tū cleaners covered by the Commercial Cleaners Multi-Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) have had a stark reminder why a Fair Pay Agreement will be so important. The companies recently came to bargaining offering no pay rise whatsoever – not even the 30c above minimum wage that has been negotiated in previous agreements.
With these Fair Pay Agreements finally heading to negotiations, other E tū members can start thinking about whether their industries would also benefit from a Fair Pay Agreement. Low pay and poor conditions affect many of our workplaces.