E tū Biennial Conference in July
The E tū Biennial Conference is being held 4-5 July in Auckland.
Conference attendees include the National Executive and members elected at Delegates Forums, Industry Councils and at the Biennial E tū Runanga Hui.
While the Conference includes a substantial education component, it will consider the state of the union, will discuss the union strategy for growth of membership, reach in our communities, and capability of our union organisation. We will also vote on policy matters raised by members.
Small fee increase
As per the E tū Rules, which state that union fees will increase yearly at the rate of inflation, our membership fees went up by 1.6% on 1 April 2018. As the biggest private sector union in New Zealand, the small fee increase allows our union to keep transforming workplaces and communities across the whole country. We advocate, organise, and campaign for a better future.
Union Support
If you need any support or advice about issues at work, contact Union Support to speak with an organiser.
0800 1 UNION
(0800 186 466)