Carers’ pay equity highlighted on Human Rights Day

On International Human Rights Day, E tū is calling on the Government to help fix gender-based pay discrimination by delivering pay equity for care and support workers.

E tū is the union for care and support workers, including those working in residential aged care, home support, disability support, and mental health and addictions. Over 65,000 care workers in Aotearoa New Zealand have been in a prolonged process for a pay equity settlement.

E tū Community Support Services Industry Council Convenor, Marianne Bishop, says it’s important to acknowledge the disparity on International Human Rights Day.

“The underpayment of people working in the care sector is a global issue, which reflects the undervaluation of work traditionally done by women,” Marianne says.

“In Aotearoa, we made some progress with Kristine Barlett’s historic equal pay settlement in 2017, but the pay has slipped back to near the minimum wage.

“A decent and enduring pay equity settlement is well overdue. Carers do this job because we want to make a real difference, and help people live their lives with dignity. Poor rates of pay are taking advantage of our commitment to helping people.

“By valuing care and support workers, we also show that we value the vulnerable elderly and disabled people who they care for.”

E tū National Secretary, Rachel Mackintosh, says fixing pay equity is an important human rights issue.

“Human Rights Day commemorates the anniversary of one of the world’s most groundbreaking global pledges: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),” Rachel says.

“This landmark document enshrines the rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

“To honour our commitment to human rights, we must end gender-based pay discrimination. Aotearoa has had some significant pay equity victories, but care and support workers are still waiting – and they’re fed up.

“It comes down to a political choice. The Government has prioritised tax cuts for landlords and tobacco companies, but won’t front up to pay women fairly.

“They must choose a different path, to prioritise working people and our communities. A decent and enduring pay equity settlement would be an excellent start.”

E tū is part of the Pay Equity Coalition Aotearoa (PECA), an alliance of civil society organisations working together to bridge the gender pay gap.