Dear E tū
As we find ourselves facing a new lockdown period, we wish to reassure you that
E tū remains fully able and ready to advise and support our members throughout
this time.
E tū Auckland area members are advised to work from home where
possible from 12pm on Wednesday 12 August for a minimum of three days.
Essential services and businesses that are able to operate safely will continue
as per the Government’s COVID-19 guidelines.
All others on Level 2 must take COVID-19 health protection measures
very seriously over that period.
Please keep an eye on www.covid19.govt.nz for the latest info.
Our staff in Auckland must operate from home, but we are equipped to do that.
We are also aware that the Alert Level periods may be extended.
We know that many of our members are essential workers or may be working over
this period, and we thank you for the wonderful services you provide to
your whanau and communities all the time, including during our last lockdown.
We were here for our members through the last lockdown. We had your
back. We remain here for you.
In this lockdown period, please remember:
- You are entitled to your full ordinary pay when required to be at home, unless your employment agreement says otherwise. Contact your delegate or an organiser at 0800 186 466 if you’re unsure.
- Members are strongly advised not to agree to be paid less or to use leave entitlements in place of ordinary pay.
- Employers of members continuing to work must have clear COVID-19 safety protocols in the workplace and provide adequate PPE to protect your health and safety in as far as is practical.
- Members, who are vulnerable due to health concerns or immune compromised, are advised to take extra precautions if continuing to work. Discuss any concerns with your GP.
If you are
in doubt then talk with your delegate, health and safety reps, employer, or
contact E tū on 0800 1 UNION or support@etu.nz. Please understand that given
the circumstances, this may mean longer waiting times than usual.
Now is a good time to remember that E tū has core principles for how we handle
COVID-19, which are the building blocks of our Rebuild Better campaign:
- Prioritise community health and wellbeing
- Workers’ wages leading the recovery
- Keep and create decent jobs
- Union members involved in all decisions
- End inequality
For more details on this, check out: www.rebuildbetter.nz
We’ll keep our website up to date with all the latest info as well: www.etu.nz
Above all, take care, be kind, and take COVID-19 precautions.
Thank you,
Bill Newson
E tū National Secretary