E tū is applauding the Government for today’s Wellbeing Budget, which puts significant investment in areas important for Kiwi families.
John Ryall, E tū’s Assistant National Secretary, says the Budget demonstrates that the Government has “people in need at the front of their minds”.
“This Wellbeing Budget will bring significant change for some of society’s most vulnerable people,” John says.
“The big increase in funding for mental health services was long overdue. It was good to see the Government accept nearly all of the recommendations from the mental health and addictions inquiry yesterday. Today, they’ve put their money where their mouth is.
“Indexing the main benefits to wage increases is also a good idea. For many lower income people, living costs are rising well above inflation, particularly housing costs. This new approach is more reasonable. However, benefits remain at poverty level and that still needs to be fixed.
“We are also pleased with investments in child poverty reduction, decent infrastructure, better services at schools, our hospitals, and more.
“There’s a lot to celebrate for the people who need the government’s attention most, but there’s a lot more to be done.”
For more information and comment, contact John Ryall: 027 520 1380