Dear IDEA support workers and admin members,
Over the next few weeks union members are invited to attend a series of ratification meetings to receive and vote on the results of the current bargaining for a new collective.
For most members pay has already been sorted through the magnificent victory of the July 2017 equal pay settlement. But there is more to work than the hourly rate and this year we faced real pressure from IDEA to cut existing right such as sick leave and access to stress leave.
At the same time, we have also pressed IDEA to recognise the need to make sure staff are not disadvantaged because of service reviews and to work with us to restore the margins for staff with ‘responsibility’ roles.
Your bargaining team will be reporting in detail on the results and member rostered to work at the time of their meeting will be paid to attend and vote on the offer.
Click here for the list of meetings which will be updated on the E tū website as details are finalised. Do take the time to attend our meeting and share your voice and your vote!
For more information contact E tū union support on 0800 1 86466 and if we don’t already have your cell number let us know so we can send you text updates.