E tū says the Minimum Wage rise to $21.20 from 1 April is excellent news – an increase that’s much needed to make sure the wages of low-paid workers keep pace with inflation.
The 6 percent increase corresponds with the change to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 5.9 percent from the year ended December 2021.
E tū Assistant National Secretary Annie Newman says the increase will benefit Aotearoa’s lowest-paid workers, including many essential workers who continue to provide vital services during the ongoing Covid crisis.
“The Minimum Wage has gone up in correspondence with inflation, which is great to see,” she says.
“It also recognises that we need to pay workers properly for the work they do. Essential work shouldn’t be, and doesn’t need to be, poorly paid.”
However, Annie says E tū will continue to push to see the Minimum Wage rate brought into line with the Living Wage rate of $22.75.
“We believe that this should be the minimum wage floor for all workers.”
The union is also actively campaigning for Fair Pay Agreements, which will establish standards across whole industry groupings, as well as the Government’s proposed social unemployment insurance scheme, to become law.
“The rise of the Minimum Wage is a great start. However, we know that to create truly decent working environments for all New Zealanders, we still need to go further.
“Implementing Fair Pay Agreements, along with a social unemployment insurance scheme, will lift working conditions to a standard not seen for decades in Aotearoa,” Annie says.
“To us, Decent Work means a decent income, a quality work environment, secure work, and room for workers’ voices at the table – all these initiatives will be invaluable in helping us to achieve better working lives for everyone in our communities.”
For more information and comment:
Annie Newman, 027 204 6340