Workers at Sistema’s Auckland plant have taken matters into their own hands today as the company refuses to take their health and safety seriously. They are now on a health and safety strike.
When workers have been asking about personal protective equipment (PPE), they have apparently been told to “wait and see” what the government advice is – despite clear regulations coming into force.
They have also been required to keep working on production lines, often standing less than a metre apart for hours at a time.
With this being clearly unacceptable, workers have now gathered in the carpark and some have gone home.
E tū organisers are assisting the workers, including by making sure that they are practising physical distancing while on strike.
E tū Assistant National Secretary Annie Newman says the employer’s behaviour is despicable.
“E tū is appalled by the brazen lack of respect and common decency from Sistema,” Annie says.
“All workers have a right to healthy and safe work. It is as clear as day, from the government advice we are all receiving, that the conditions described by E tū members at Sistema are far from adequate.
“We have had many issues with Sistema in the past, but this is simply abhorrent. We completely support any of our members refusing to work in unsafe conditions – that is their legal right.”
Annie added Sistema’s behaviour puts us all at risk.
“This is not just about our workers, it’s about their families and communities. It’s about anyone who they may come into contact with. Sistema is putting production ahead of the health of New Zealanders. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Kiwis will die because of employers like this not taking COVID-19 seriously.
“The vast majority of New Zealanders are making gigantic sacrifices to keep each other safe. Now a company worth hundreds of millions of dollars is compromising that to try and squeeze a little bit more out of our overworked and underpaid members.
“New Zealanders have united against COVID-19 and are uniting against the small handful of employers who think their profits are worth more than our lives. We can now add Sistema to that list of disgusting businesses.”
For more information and comment:
Annie Newman, 027 204 6340