Some big changes are starting now that will affect our region in the decades to come. As we transition away from oil and gas exploration, hundreds of jobs will be affected and our community will go through a major transformation. E tū knows that a shift away from the carbon economy is inevitable in New Zealand and across the world. But we want to make sure that workers and our communities do not bear the full brunt of these changes. That’s why we’re campaigning for a Just Transition – a transition that is fair, equitable, and inclusive, with the livelihoods of Taranaki workers given the importance we deserve. In Taranaki, our union is working with a community and business network called Venture Taranaki and our local campaign is called Taranaki 2050.
The world is run by those who show up. Our voices are so important in this conversation and work on the Just Transition is starting right now. Venture Taranaki have organised a series of open meetings to hear from businesses and the community on a range of areas that will explore what Taranaki looks like in 2050. Currently these meetings are largely flooded by people representing business, so we need workers and community voices at these meetings.
Click here to view the meeting schedule. All meetings start at 9:30 am.
Meetings begin in mid-February and will cover a wide range of topics, including food, energy, innovation, tourism, infrastructure, health, the arts, and more. For a descriptions of the different groups, see the bottom of this page.
These aren’t your run of the mill public meetings. MBIE are making a real effort to involve members of the community in developing the way forward – this is your best chance to start making a big difference. We’re asking you and your friends and families to register for one or more of the sessions so that your voice is heard. Your ideas, knowledge, experience and innovation need to be included so we can generate a collaborative plan for our children and their children’s future.
Fill out the form below to indicate your interest.
Taranaki 2050 meetings
Working groups
- Renewables
- Hydrogen
- Will we continue to be the energy driver for NZ across diverse sources of energy, or will we specialise as a region?
Food and fibre
- Agriculture/farming
- Timber and wood products (including manufacturing and housing)
- Hemp
- Dairy (Fonterra, etc)
- Processing (chicken, meat)
- What will we be able to grow as the climate changes? What are the risks and opportunities?
Māori economy
- What are the opportunities for tangata whenua?
- The role of iwi, hapū, and whānau
People, skills and talent
- Re-training to transitional occupations
- Tertiary education
- Universal education – can we make primary, secondary and tertiary education here work for people to learn life and job skills, while promoting interest-based learning as well?
- Education hubs
- Retaining talent and skills in our region
- Drawing talent and skills to our region
- Learning environments
- What do we want education to look like in 32 years for our kid’s kids?
Innovation and R&D
- Can we turn app/gig economy jobs into secure high value jobs?
- Technology and artificial intelligence
- Moving people, goods, and services
- Youth
Visitor Economy
- Tourism
- Hospitality
- Lifestyle and outdoors
- Can we create high value secure jobs in this space that aren’t seasonal?
Exploration groups
Health and well-being
- Hospitals
- Mental health
- Aged care
- In-home support
- Disability support
- Alternative health
- Science
Infrastructure and transport
- Air travel and ports
- Roads and construction
- Truck transport and the role of self-drive technology
- Building and trades
- Rail
- Electrocommunications
- New technology
Environmental sciences
- Climate
- Water
- Soil
- Risk assessment and management
- Land use
- What by-laws and regulations may need to change to allow for innovation and our future?
- Lending laws severely discourage worker co-operatives
- Consents for “earth ships” and other sustainable buildings
- What responsibilities should be on companies to ensure our kids aren’t left with the bill for pollution in the future?
Metrics and evaluation
- Representation of community
- Trends in demographics
- Measuring outcomes