Decent Work Charter launched at Summit

Zooming in for the Decent Work Summit from the Auckland office

A Decent Work Charter has been launched at an E tū Decent Work Summit. The Charter has four pillars: a decent income, secure work, a quality work environment, and worker’s’ voice.

The Summit in February was a total hit. E tū members and our union and community allies joined forces for a day of members telling their stories, contributions from academics and experts, and discussing exciting new ideas.

E tū Industry Convenor for food and manufacturing, Edwin Ikani, explained how each of these four pillars were relevant to areas of his life and work.

“Nobody should have to earn less than the Living Wage and what they need to participate [fully in society] – everyone should be able to live with dignity, including what decent income enables, which is the material things, but also time with the family and the opportunity to make your mark,” Edwin said.

We also explored mechanisms that will help us achieve Decent Work, such as the Living Wage, Fair Pay Agreements, a Just Transition, the New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme, and a model for new employment institutions.

The Summit had to be moved online as a result of the Omicron outbreak, but that meant that members and participants from across the country could join, 260 in total! Our union has become so well equipped with digital platforms that while nothing beats a face-to-face meeting, the Summit was another demonstration of E tū members rising to a new opportunity.