Policy highlights

Green Party committed to fairness for workers

The Green Party is committed to fairness in the workplace. All workers should be paid fairly, in secure, safe jobs where they have the ability to easily organise and bargain as a collective.

The Greens support raising the minimum wage to $17.75 next year and are committed to raising it to 66% of the average wage by 2020 ($21.25). They will reverse National’s unfair workplace reforms, including abolishing the 90 day fire-at-will law in its entirety, and continue to support the ability of workers to organise and bargain collectively.

“Workers have had a raw deal under this Government. The Green Party will ensure that workers get paid fairly, can organise easily and are safe at work,” says Green Party Workplace Relations Spokesperson and E tū member, Denise Roche.

“The Greens at the heart of Government will transform workplaces for the better.”

Labour’s Fair Pay Agreements

A key Labour policy is the introduction of Fair Pay Agreements.

Unions may initiate a process for creating a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA), which will set basic standards of pay and other employment conditions within a specific industry according to factors such as job type and experience.

The equal pay settlement is a good example of how employers, unions and Government can come together to create an agreement that sets base conditions across an industry.

FPAs will create a framework for fair wage increases where good employers are not commercially disadvantaged for doing the right thing.

FPAs will cover all employees and workplaces within the relevant industry. This will be a fantastic step forward for securing decent and well-paid work in New Zealand.

“I vote Greens because they most closely align with my values of integrity, accountability, and social and environmental justice. They are an important progressive voice that remembers to listen
to everybody, not just
the few.”

Robbie King, CCDHB, Ngaio

“They are hindering the future generation and themselves really, if they don’t vote. You know, what the Government sets into policy can have a big effect on how we’re going to be living, living costs and health care and so on, on education, housing. So, I think it’s very important to vote. Get out there and vote, man.”

Chelsy Waititi, delegate

“Of course we are looking for a change of Government. We are sick of National selling our stuff overseas. Housing’s gone up. It cost a million bucks for a house – we need affordability for our housing. I can’t afford to buy a house."

Mele Kumar