Delegate Election form

Before you fill in this form, please CLICK HERE to read the FAQs and instructions.

As a Delegate, your role is to:

  • represent E tū members in your workplace
  • recruit new members, activists, and leaders
  • engage with members and get them involved to build a better workplace
  • be actively involved in bargaining collective agreements and other union activities
  • keep yourself and your colleagues informed about current union matters.

E tū rules can be viewed HERE.

Delegate election form

  • Personal contact details:

  • Please note that a mobile number is a requirement to be a delegate. This is to allow E tū to communicate with you regarding union matters and to invite you to training and other events.
  • Please note that an email address is a requirement to be a delegate. This is to allow E tū to communicate with you regarding union matters and to invite you to training and other events.
  • Employer details

  • (If different from Employer name)
  • Election details