Aotearoa’s care system is broken. It doesn’t work well enough for the people receiving or delivering care. But it doesn’t have to be like that. We can have a care system that provides support to those who need it, while also providing decent work for those who provide it. Care and support workers up and down the country, people receiving care, and their whanau know what the issues are, and often how to solve them.
E tū is enabling their voices to be heard by decision-makers by activating our members and working with other organisations representing those who use care, to shine a light on what is happening and talk about what should be done differently.
Our campaign focuses
Value of care: gender-based pay discrimination still affects the care and support workforce. We’ve been leading the charge against this, including with Kirstine Bartlett’s historic pay equity settlement in 2017, but we’ve slipped behind again and people need proper pay equity.
Standards of care: A huge issue is that there simply aren’t enough people employed to do the work. It can put both workers and clients in dangerous situations and lead to stress and burnout. We need adequate staffing, and safe systems of work.
Funding of care: The Government contracts out services to over 10,000 providers, from large, profitable aged care chains, to non-profit organisations, to tiny family providers. All of them have to wait until July each year to know how much their funding will increase by (if at all). This means that they cannot plan how they deliver their services. There are a number of solutions to this, such as longer term funding, bringing services in-house to be provided directly by government, and funding based on social procurement – not the lowest price.
We are holding regular update meetings for members in Care and Support
These meetings give all members in care and support an opportunity to discuss the content sent out in our monthly e-newsletters, meet other care and support members across the country and talk about the next steps we need to take to win the pay equity settlement. See the monthly newsletter for the details of the next meeting.
If you are a care and support E tū member but you don’t receive the campaign emails, please email support@etu.nz to update your details.
Get involved
If you’d like to discuss other ways of getting involved, or just stay in the loop, email campaigns@etu.nz or call 0800 186 466 to speak with an E tū organiser.
What are we campaigning for?

E tū members working in care and support tell us their sector is in crisis. Workers are leaving for better paid, less stressful work so they can provide for their families.
We need to retain skilled, experienced workers so our seniors, disabled, those with mental health issues and others have support to live with independence and dignity.
E tū and other care and support unions, want to see the pay rates for care and support work updated and increased to reflect the high cost of living and the value of this essential mahi.
Where are things at?
There are developments all the time! Join your relevant E tū Facebook group to get the latest information:
If you’re not covered by one of these groups above and want to receive regular updates about the campaign, please reach out to campaigns@etu.nz to make sure you’re on the mailing list.
On 1 July 2022, E tū, and other unions PSA and NZNO, filed a pay equity claim with 15 named employers.
The 15 named employers are: Healthcare NZ, Geneva Healthcare, NZ Community living, VisionWest, Spectrum Care, Te Roopu Taurima, Emerge Aotearoa, Pathways Health, Toucan Taranaki, Lifewise Trust, Presbyterian Support Central, Bupa, Pacific Homecare, CCS Disability Action and Dunedin Community Care.
The union reported back to members in September 2023 that unions and employers had completed their part of the process. However, officials in the Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora/Health NZ requested a review, further delaying the process.
Because we were concerned about the delays, as well as the change of Government, the unions have lodged more claims, covering most of the employers in care and support.
Unions and employers are continuing to meet because we know we can’t wait any longer – workers in care and support need pay equity now!

History of pay equity
In 2017, more than 60,000 care and support workers achieved historic pay increases and improvements in their work conditions.
This was all thanks to the Care and Support Workers (Pay Equity) Settlement Act 2017, won by E tū and other unions.
This settlement expired on 1 July 2022, but the legislation was amended to see it continue.

However, under the amended legislation, workers were only offered 3% pay rise over 18 months by the Government.
E tū and other unions then filed a new pay equity claim on 1 July 2022 to start the process to raise workers’ rates again.
What is the difference between equal pay, pay parity and pay equity?
This can get confusing but there are key differences and it’s important that everyone is aware we are fighting for pay equity.
Equal pay means two people who are doing the same job will be paid the same regardless of their gender e.g. a male care and support worker at BUPA will get the same pay as a female care and support worker at BUPA.
Pay parity is the same pay for the same job e.g. an healthcare assistant at a hospital will get the same pay as an healthcare assistant at a rest home.
Pay equity is a different job that has the same value so should be paid the same pay, e.g. a worker in Customs will have the same responsibility, effort and skills as a care and support worker but they are paid more because the job is predominantly done by men compared to caring professions that are female dominated. Pay equity directly targets the discrimination women face by getting paid less for what are considered ‘women’s jobs/roles’